
September: Fall Foliage

Happy fall, everyone! Time for red, orange, and yellow leaves. September began in a blink of an eye and my oh my….it’s already mid September!
I wanted to have at least 2 sessions this month, but I might only get one online session in….! Next month, in October, I will make up for it.

Summer coming to an end…?

New month come and go, new season heading its way. Hi everyone! I just realized that I didn’t get to blog this month in August at all….! And what, it’s already going into a new month, September. ..!? Hope you are all doing well and had a nice summer filled with fun plans and laughter. August seemed like it just came and went. It’s been now already 3 months since we’ve been back from Japan, but ever since we’ve been back, it feels like we had our days packed.

Smell of Spring

Finally SUNSHINE! Wow, it’s already end of April …….how fast did April go by? And talk about true German April: we saw sun, we saw rain, we saw hail, and even snow…..!! Finally sun is coming out and we can see all the cherry blossoms are finally blooming. It looks like Spring is finally here. Again, thank you to my yogis for joining me last Saturday, April 24th, for a flow session where I focused on arm strengthening and heart-opening. I truly always feel this gratitude and deeper connection (and blessing) for yoga whenever I get to roll my mat out

Babies are born-yogis: happy Baby pose (Ananda Balasana)

Have you ever tried this relaxing and calming pose, Happy Baby (Ananda Balasana)? And have you seen some babies busting some yoga moves just casually as they are lying around and rolling on the floor? Well, yup, that’s kind of what this pose resembles. Exactly like how a baby lying on its back and holding onto its feet.

Spring is just around the corner

Another lesson in the books with all the happy yogis flowing together last Sunday. Thanks again to all those who joined me. I am really grateful for this chance to connect with you all — I know how amazing it is to really be there “LIVE” in person to enjoy yoga together but for now, we have to be thankful for the chances we can get (and thanks to internet for this!) For now, it’s truly a blessing that we can enjoy yoga together like this online.

Welcome, spring & finding Clarity

Spring is just around the corner…. That’s what I would love to believe. On Sunday, we had to change the clock to summer time and we “sprung” forward, so it’s going to be brighter during the day. As soon as the weather stays consistent ant warm, I can’t wait to enjoy some yoga flow outdoors. Feeling the grass on my bare feet, breathing in fresh air right there outside. I want to say THANK YOU to all my supportive yogis who joined me for the March lessons. I had 2 lessons in March, and they were both again very international and “happy”.

March upcoming lessons

Feeling happy for Spring? 2021 is now already into its 3rd month…March! So let’s roll your mat out and get mindful. It’s getting sunny outside and I think it’s good to think positive and start to feel happy for the warm days coming around the corner.

:: February upcoming lessons ::

Who’s ready for some more yoga? I hope you are all enjoying some wintery days — and if you’re in Japan, enjoying your spring-like weather. I heard that in Japan it’s getting warmer and it almost felt like spring! Here in our village, it was minus degrees for the last few days (let’s say a whole week) and we really saw WINTER. It was surely my first time to experience this much snow.

A flexible spine is a healthy spine: Puppy pose

There’s so much snow and we are snowed in! …But that did not stop us from having a good flow session online last Sunday. Thank you to those of you that joined me on Sunday. We had a nice international session yet again —- it’s such a blessing to be able to connect with everyone around the world with the help of yoga (and internet).

Staying Mindful

Bringing in positive mindset onto the mat. Let’s always try and stay positive and happy — that’s easier said than done in these difficult times at the moment, right? But what we need to focus on is truly to stay grateful for what we got at the moment and try to look forward at some of the positive things in life.