There’s so much snow and we are snowed in!
…But that did not stop us from having a good flow session online last Sunday. Thank you to those of you that joined me on Sunday. We had a nice international session yet again —- it’s such a blessing to be able to connect with everyone around the world with the help of yoga (and internet).
In my lessons, I always try to focus on keeping a good mixture of poses in my session. I love incorporating some good warm-up for the spine and the entire body, some vinyasa along with strong standing poses to gain some strengthening for the arms and legs. Even for me, I noticed that I needed more yoga (and more patience) in some poses that I’m used to doing. It’s really not about being satisfied with the point you’re at rather seeking more and finding more within yourself.
In February, I am planing 1 or 2 more sessions. If you’re interested, please feel free to contact me so that I can send you the Zoom link. I always post my yoga session schedule on Instagram or Facebook so that I can let all of you know much easier. I think it’s a good way for me to update all of you on my lessons. You can always check my blog as well —- I usually post my upcoming schedules here as well. My next session would be around the 21st or the 28th, so please stay tuned — I’ll get back to you guys soon as my dates are finalized. I know that most of you are either working from home or working with masks and just trying to stay busy (but sane at the same time) during this pandemic. I also believe that yoga really helps me calm my nerves and just to get back to my “inner-self” and be able to shut everything out for the time that I am on my mat. I do hope that yoga brings the same amazing feeling for you as well…..
Here is another tip for boosting your Immune System:
:: Tree Pose Vrksasana ::
I showed this one pose in my last session which might be nice for you to try on your own whenever you need tension reliever.
Time to let go and ease the tension from the shoulders : Puppy pose (Uttana Shishosana)
Puppy pose: beneficial for the upper body / stretches the spine; opens the chest, reduces tension, mild inversion
Benefits: The puppy pose, or Meting Heart pose, looks so simple yet it’s a little mind-blowing when you actually give it a try. It’s daintily less complicating that a downward dog, but it’s a bit tougher than a child’s pose. Almost like a good mixture of the two. You’re (like the other name) ‘melting your heart’ into the mat allowing your shoulders to stretch out and also your spine. This is great for the shoulders and the neck, assisting you to reduce some tension in the neck and the shoulders, where stress commonly gathers. As one said, “a flexible spine is a healthy spine,” this pose surely gives a nice spinal stretch, and you will notice that your daily tasks will get much easier from practicing this pose.
Things to keep in mind when getting into Puppy pose:
- Keep your hips directly over your knees.
- Make sure that your knees are hips width apart.
- Let your shoulders to rest away from your ears and just let them relax
- Place your palms flat on the ground with your fingers spread out
- Allow your forehead to rest on the ground (if it works, you can always place a towel or a block if it’s a bit too deep of a stretch for you)
*Keep your spine long, and focus on extending and keeping it straight. Don’t forget to keep you head placed in the center. your palms flat on the ground with your fingers spread. Always draw your navel upward and keep puling your hips back while sliding forward and extending the arms.
Always come out of this pose slowly with care since it can make you feel a bit dizzy. Slowly slide back into a child’s pose. You can always prepare for this pose by doing some Cat & Cow to warm up the spine.
Namaste <3 Hope the can release some tension for you. Hugs!
*let that heart melt into the ground*