“Samadhi”, yay for November lessons

Hi everyone,  

Talk about my lovely online session….WOW, we had one heck of a great international session last week (Sunday, Nov. 8th) and I want to just THANK YOU for being there from all over the world!! We had yogis from Germany, Japan, Poland, Australia, and Korea! It was a great way to start the Sunday off — and some of them were ending their Sunday AND prepping for their new week ahead. Even though we have so many restrictions at the moment due to COVID, I am always grateful that we have the chance to come together in such a way — online platform — to find our breaths and enjoy yoga together. It truly makes me believe that ‘yoga really unites and brings everyone together’.
Stay tuned for the updates for my next online session. November is going to go by real quick again….I can feel it. I can already smell fall in the air and seeing the changing of the leaves really makes me want to cuddle up in my big scarf and cozy up with a hot cocoa. It is so beautiful at the moment though. It is so amazing to go for walks in the woods. That’s a real big therapy for our family —we can just walk 3 minutes out of our door and we are in the middle of nature!! Gotta love it!

Here’s the plan for the upcoming lessons:

Here is another tip for boosting your Immune System:
:: Tree Pose Vrksasana ::

[ Online LIVE Yoga with Rieko ]
Sunday, November 8th @ 10AM
Saturday, November 14th @10:30AM
Saturday, November 28th @ 10AM

10 euro
Paypal or transfer
(schedule subject to change)

I have been planning my online lessons usually a 10AM so that the time would also fit some of those living in Japan. Since we have now 8-hour time difference because the summer time ended, I know Sunday mornings can be a bit tricky for some of you — I know how it is when you want to enjoy your relaxing Sunday breakfast. I am totally with you on that: I LOVE my Sunday morning coffees and I really enjoy my lazy Sunday breakfast with my hubby. That is also important to take the time to enjoy that cup of coffee (or tea) and be mindful for that moment. Time with family and loved ones is so important and precious.

Teaching my University lectures online is also going well. It’s not easy for the students right now to sitting in front of the computer all day and seeing your teacher and classmates on the screen. I mean, they are missing their fun college life (campus life, campus activities, campus events, etc.) I am trying to keep my lectures creative as possible.

My private lessons are also going well. Teaching some students in Tokyo, and some students from here, Germany. I do love teaching SOMETHING — yoga and English — because it makes me feel like I can support someone. And yes, I also offer some prenatal yoga lessons in which I can share my own experiences with prenatal yoga during my pregnancy. (I can blog about that more in details another time.)

Namaste everyone! <3