New month come and go, new season heading its way.
Hi everyone! I just realized that I didn’t get to blog this month in August at all….! And what, it’s already going into a new month, September. ..!? Hope you are all doing well and had a nice summer filled with fun plans and laughter. August seemed like it just came and went. It’s been now already 3 months since we’ve been back from Japan, but ever since we’ve been back, it feels like we had our days packed. I mean, don’t get me wrong, we were not stressed or busy. It was just like slowly getting back into the village life and fully “arriving back” to our normal life. Being back in Japan was great. It felt almost surreal because of this whole pandemic. So being in Japan this time around was something extra special (and different) , but it really made me appreciate every second with my family to a greater level. So, as soon as we were back, it felt again “unreal” in a good way — that we got back safely in the midst of the pandemic crisis. It’s been nice being back and we had a nice August. We were able to meet more people and have picnics outside together or go for hikes. And we had lots of BBQs — as Germans love to do that in the Summer — PLUS I was so thrilled that I was able to start up my outdoor yoga lessons again. We are allowed to meet outside with more people, so it felt more relaxed and relieved to hold yoga lessons in person. I am just truly thankful that I can keep doing my online yoga lessons for all my dedicated yogis who are not here in my area (or the country). I really love this group….! They are so motivated and dedicated. I feel honored to be there to support their yoga practice. It would be super awesome if we can all meet once day and do yoga together in person! I know I won’t be able to keep doing the online sessions if I didn’t have these yogis. * Namaste!*

Thanks to my supportive yogis around the world, I did my online sessions twice this month. (not just once) I also was able to have some nice Yoga-packed weekends, where I had yoga 3 days in a row from Friday! That’s what I’m talkin’ about…! <3 Gotta love that yoga-filled days. Sometimes I know that it’s tough to get up in the morning to practice yoga. But you know the outcome. You feel free. You feel lighter. You feel rejuvenated. Even if you start the day early (or earlier than normal), you realize that after you get on that yoga mat and breathe through a yoga session for over an hour, you will definitely have a BETTER day ahead.
Now the days are getting a bit chillier here in Germany. I think the summer has already ended……..I do hope for some more sunny days to enjoy my yoga lessons outside, but if not, we have a nice room to cozy up and enjoy yoga together in. This amazing room, I can blog again in the future.
ONLINE LESSONS: I will hold 2 sessions online in September, so stay tuned! 😉
See you guys soon outdoors or online!
Hugs and Namaste <3