Spring is just around the corner….
That’s what I would love to believe. On Sunday, we had to change the clock to summer time and we “sprung” forward, so it’s going to be brighter during the day. As soon as the weather stays consistent ant warm, I can’t wait to enjoy some yoga flow outdoors. Feeling the grass on my bare feet, breathing in fresh air right there outside. I want to say THANK YOU to all my supportive yogis who joined me for the March lessons. I had 2 lessons in March, and they were both again very international and “happy”. I am always grateful for everyone joining me and making time for themselves for that 70-minutes on their yoga mat. It sure is a odd time but I guess because of the pandemic, and in a way “thanks to” the pandemic, we are able to enjoy some online sessions like this. It’s so nice to hear about how Japan is at the moment or how it is in Poland (from my dedicated student in Warsaw). We can soon expect some warm sunny Spring-like days!
Stay tuned for April lessons. I am planning to hold at least 2 sessions.
Wishing you all a lovely Easter weekend and some (hopefully) sun shining days. Happy Easter and see you all soon on your mat. (so we won’t be having a session on Easter, so don’t worry. We will plan for the other weekends!)
Namaste and always stay positive and happy! <3