Already counting down to christmas??
…I sure am! And again, THANK YOU to my yogis for joining me online again! I’m just thankful that my online sessions in December were joyful and successful — with all of your support and mindfulness to join me on your mat at your home — and that’s a wrap for 2020. I will update you all with my classes for the new year, 2021. Man…..what a year it has been, right? I do hope that 2021 brings something a bit more uplifting and happiness rather than depressing and sad news………
Now that it’s time to wind down and decorate the tree and get ready for Christmas (and all that fun), sending you all much love and smiles for the holiday season 2020. Let’s all just stay healthy and positive during these difficult times. Starting tomorrow, we are in another lockdown and all shops are closing. It might feel like it’s going to be chaotic when we hear that things are closing up but I feel that it won’t make too much of a difference if we are still allowed to go outside and get some fresh air and even just have this time to be with family and loved ones. (yes, we are still allowed to meet with one house hold and up to 10 people during the holidays.)

staying mindful and appreciating the present moment
Here is another tip for boosting your Immune System:
:: Tree Pose Vrksasana ::
I am also almost done with my University semester, so that means my students can also go on their winter break — prepare for their final exams in January — and that this online-semester is now coming to an end. I suppose that it will still be online next semester but we will see………I hope that I can continue my online yoga sessions as well but I do miss being able to be with my yogis and teach “in person”.
For now, I am blessed that theres internet and that there’s an option for me to teach online. And this online yoga has brought me chances to teach people in Japan, Australia, Korea, Poland, ….just imagining the possibilities of gathering with everyone around the world together at once! Now THAT’S amazing. Yoga unites us all together. <3
Namaste and stay healthy and positive!