Hey everyone,
I hope you are all doing well. Now it’s already mid June, and apparently many rules about the COVID-19 were supposed to get updated. More re-openings, and more things that we are allowed to do……meeting with a larger group of people, going out to restaurants, cafes, bars, or even going back to the gym. Now even some swimming pools are open. (or most of them) I am still taking some precautions and keeping my distance.
It’s actually not too bad that the weather is now like SUMMER and we can go outside. I was able to meet with my friend (with her baby) last week for the first time in months!!! ….I’d say it’s been since March or so due to the Corona-chaos. It’s nice that I live in a village so we can go outside for a walk in the woods, and play a little bit near the nearby pond and etc. I say things are not too shabby. We do hope that my parents can come visit us here in Germany this year. We were hoping for the summer time but we will see…….
I was happy to know that a friend of mine had tried out my Yoga video on Youtube with his friends together outside in his garden. He sent me a picture where 5 or 6 of his friends were all on their mats, outside and trying out my Youtube video. Thanks so much for that support and it’s such an encouragement. I am looking forward to making more yoga videos and hoping that I can share my love and gratitude for yoga with more people.

Here is another tip for boosting your Immune System:
:: Tree Pose Vrksasana ::
I’m planning more online English yoga session for the next week.
Date: June 21st (Sunday) @10am
Date: June 25th (Thursday) @17pm
Paypal or transfer
I do hope that I can get more people to join — not just from Germany. I will try and get more sessions so that it would be nice for Japan and U.S. times as well. This time, I know Sunday would be good for those of you in Japan, and Thursday possibly for USA / Canada area.
In the meantime, you can check out my Youtube video and get a chance to flow with me on your own time. Go and check out my Youtube video. I am going to be uploading my second video soon! Namaste <3