Hey everyone, how’s it going?
Things for me and hubby are pretty much the same. Not much of a change even with the social distancing.
We are going for walks and enjoying the sunny days. Thanks to the internet, we can work from home — my University lectures are all online, and I’m doing some English yoga teaching online as well. Now I know that weddings and events are allowed up to 100 people. My hubby’s wedding jobs were all canceled for the last 3 months but now it might slowly start to take place.
Despite this situation, things are kind of getting a bit calmer: more shops are staring to reopen again, hotels and pensions are open, some companies are stopping their “home office” ways…..and some schools are reopening again as well.
We will see how things go.
As I have mentioned in my other post, you can really practice a bit of yoga everywhere. Yoga can be incorporated into your everyday like just like that. You can just practice some breathing technique, Ujai breathing or even just finding calmness in the nasal breathing. You can always squeeze in a little bit of yoga any time and anywhere. It doesn’t have to be a full 90-minute flow class. We go about our daily routine stressed or rushed and feeling like we never have enough time in a day. But take a second to really breath in through your nose and exhale everything out through your nose. And another breath,…..try to inhale through the nose, then take a bit longer wth your exhalation. Think about 3 seconds for inhale, then take about 6 seconds for exhaling. See if this works for you.
I now have my 25-min short flow video on Youtube. That might be nice for you to try it out. *wink wink*
Here is another tip for boosting your Immune System:
:: Tree Pose Vrksasana ::
Let’s give this pose a try for boosting your Immune System: Bow Pose Dhanurasana
Yoga Asana to boost your Immune System – Pose 3: Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)
This is a very strong pose working your spine and also your belly /navel. In a spiritual practice, bow pose helps stimulate the manipura (solar plexus) chakra, also called the life source chakra, situated just above the navel. This pose really can help you find your confidence and your inner strength.
Benefits: Stimulating Manipura chakra increases the digestive fire and activates the flow of prana, or life energy. It can help with your digestive system, as well as helping you build inner-clarity.. It helps with lethargy as it builds more energy within you. Great for curing back aches, treats slipped discs, weight loss, manages liver, helps with diabetes, blood cleansing, keeps kidney healthy, strengthens spinal columns, helps with asthma, massages thyroid and adrenal glands.
- Start by lying on your belly keeping your forehead nice and calm on the mat.
- Inhale: Start by slowly coming into your cobra pose by allowing your chest to come off the ground, allowing your back to do the work.
- Exhale: slowly bend your knees, extending your arms towards the back so that your hands are stretched to meet your feet (ankles)
- Inhale: while inhaling raise the thighs, head and chest as high as possible
- Find balance of your body on lower abdomen. Join the ankles. Look upward and breathe normally.
- While exhaling, bring down the head and legs up to knee joint. Maintain this position as long as you can hold and slowly come down with a long exhalation. (sigh it all out)
*Always important to keep your head straight and don’t strain your neck too high.
Keep your jaw soft and a smile on your face. Namaste <3