Hey everyone,
I hope you are all doing well. It’s already May…and Mother’s Day even passed already. Happy Mother’s Day to all the great inspiring mothers I know around the world!
My University lectures are now online since April 20th and I feel that it’s going well. I feel safe that I don’t have to go into a classroom / campus and I can teach from the comfort of my home. I feel it’s better for my baby as well. So I am not complaining about that at all. I am lucky to have good students who are always logging in punctual. I have to find a way to keep it creative…..
Now just some quick updates for my Yoga lessons. We are still in this Coronavirus situation and the studio where I work, Yoga Adya, is still closed. We had some new updates regards to gathering with people or doing sports with others outdoors…..and that’s limited to maximum of 5 people. So it’s still a bit risky to even try to meet with people and do yoga. (or even do anything)
have been doing some mini-group online lessons for a few people. It’s something new and it’s going not too bad but I know it’s not the same as having your yoga instructor there in the same room and guiding you through. BUT it’s actually not too bad to be in your own home — living room, bed room… wherever it may be —- and be able to enjoy a bit of flow and finding some calmness within yourself.
Given that things are a bit rough and hard for so many of us, we have to stay positive and see the brighter side of things — and take advantage of the things we can do. This social distancing is not too easy. But we have to find gratitude that we are healthy and have one another. I have planned to do a Yoga session in English for some yogis here in my area. (and also for some people I know in Japan and California as well!)

Here is another tip for boosting your Immune System:
:: Tree Pose Vrksasana ::
So folks, it’s happening!
Zoom online yoga lesson with Rieko
Date: Wednesday, May 13th
Time: 16pm (60 minutes)
Paypal or bank transfer
I hope that it goes well — I’m happy that I have internet to do this lesson. My friend from California, Becky, and her kids are also going to join….! (Good thing they are usually up around 6AM or earlier)
I’m planning to have another session for the yogis in Japan. I am thinking Saturday morning Germany time would be perfect for Japan time. Stay tuned and I will let you all know! Namaste <3