Happy Easter everyone!
Wishing you all a lovely Easter weekend. I’m sure this year is quite an odd one compared to any other years —- being that we are all stuck at home with the SOCIAL DISTANCING due to Covid-19. But nonetheless we can all be happy that we are healthy *knock on wood* and happy with the loved one (the ones you live under the same roof), and be thankful that we are still able to stay connected with our family and friends via internet. So Happy Easter!
Now that the weather is getting warmer and super nice, it feels just so perfect to be outside and try to do some yoga. It is really rejuvenating to be outside and feel the air around you and truly soak up the nature.
But we can always enjoy Yoga indoor as well. I mean, I practice it in my living room, bed room, sometimes in the kitchen while I’m waiting for my cookies to finish baking. (haha – this is a true story) You can always squeeze in a little bit of yoga any time and anywhere. It doesn’t have to be a full 90-minute flow class. You can even just try some breathing and learn to really listen to your breath for once. We go about our daily routine stressed or rushed and feeling like we never have enough time in a day. But take a second to really breath in through your nose and exhale everything out through your nose. And another breath,…..try to inhale through the nose, then take a bit longer wth your exhalation. You don’t need to practice the Ujai breathing (Yogis breathing) but you can simply try and inhale and exhale through your nose to get your nerves to calm down.
Here, give it a try. How did that feel…..? 😉 Good.
Here is another tip for boosting your Immune System:
:: Tree Pose Vrksasana ::
Here is another tip for boosting your Immune System: Tree Pose Vrksasana
Yoga poses to boost your Immune System – Pose 2: Tree Pose (Vrksasana)
This is a very strong standing/balancing pose. It is challenging for you to stay grounded and to find your balance. It requires stillness and concentration, it can help calm a frustrated or stressed mind.
It is a good hip-opening pose as well as finding that alignment in your body.
Benefits: Strengthens the legs and the ankles, strengthens the ligaments and the tendons of the feet, helps you find stability and balance physically, helps you find balance in all aspects of your life, helps with headaches, insomnia, stressed mind
You want to achieve this pose not by getting to the state of balancing rather achieve the motion of balancing. In yoga, there is a principle called satya (the practice of truthfulness) that teaches yogis to think, speak, and act in alignment with what is true. Because it’s a challenging balancing pose, Tree Pose offers an opportunity to practice this principle by aligning yourself with the truth in your own body.
- Start to focus on putting more weight on your right side first.
- Find that focal point. Keep your gaze soft on one point.
- Press the sole of your right foot into the ground, make sure all 4 corners of the foot is grounded.
- Slowly bring your left foot (or slide it up) to your inner thigh or side of the right calf (never on the knee cap!) .
- Chest is open, keep the shoulders down and away from your ears, hips are even.
- Stand tall, elongate the spine. You may stay with the hands in front of your heart or let your ‘branches grow’ by bringing your arms up in the sky.
Keep a smile on your face. Namaste <3