Hi everyone!
I hope you are all doing well. It’s been about 3 weeks since we are here in a semi-lock down in Germany. We go grocery shopping once a week, and we are keeping our distance as much as possible to others. I guess Germany now has some laws that we can even get fined for gathering with more than 4 people or traveling to another state.
I suppose our lives haven’t changed so much despite this crisis since we are basically at home. We are working from home (or I am) — my yoga lessons at the studio is the one thing where I am not driving and ‘going’ somewhere — and now my hubby does home office and it’s even better that we get to see each other more! I am already home with our baby and would be for another year or so. We want to wait till the baby is at least 2 years old to go to Kindergarten.
So that part is the same for me. We are actually enjoying the time together at home. PLUS the weather is getting better so we can go for more walks outside.
Now I thought I can post some Yoga tips in my next few blog posts. It’s quite good to keep up my practice for myself as a Yogi and also as a yoga instructor. Something we can do at home since we DO stay at home already.After this whole lock-down thing, we don’t want to come out gaining like 10lbs or so! (haha)
So, I decided to share some yoga asanas (poses) to boost your immune system. Right now, we can just pray that we all stay healthy. If you already have done Yoga or practices Yoga regularly… GREAT! If not, it’s also okay. Staying home and finding some peace of mind. That’s already better than going out and shopping or going for a drink!
Staying home and finding some peace of mind. That’s already better than going out and shopping or going for a drink! You can always meditate, take some deep breaths.
Yoga poses to boost your Immune System – Pose 1: Cobra pose (Bhujangasana)
Benefits: elps release white blood cells that improve the body’s immunity. It aids in reducing stress and fatigue, while improving blood circulation throughout the body. This pose is part of the sequence in the Sun-Salutation. You are coming up from the ground as you are on your belly. You are lifting your heart space, pushing your thighs and tops of your feet in the earth, and keeping your shoulders away from the ears bringing the shoulder blades close together.
Big chest-opening pose
- Come on your belly with legs stretched out
- Rest your forehead first on the mat with hands below your shoulders
- With an inhale slowly lift your upper body off the ground pushing the ground with your hands. Make sure to push your thighs and the tops of feet into the ground
- Hold the pose for a minute (or as long as you can)
- Slowly come down with an exhale
- Rest for a minute and repeat a few more times.
Be very careful if you have some lower back problems. You can even stay lower and do a mini-cobra.