April fool’s was already here!

I can’t believe that it’s already April!

Hearing the birds chirping outside and seeing some sunshine surely makes it feel like Spring is already here.  Or just around the corner.  In Germany, there’s a saying for April “April April, macht was der will.” (April April, it does what it wants) meaning: there can be sunshine, there can be hail… ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. But for now, the weather is starting to get warmer and going out for a walk at a time of this quarantine period is a nice treat for the soul.  We go out as much as possible and whenever we can get some sunshine.

Yesterday was April Fool’s Day.  And I just wished that someone would come and tell us that this whole pandemic is just a huge (terrible) joke……

Happy Birthday to my best friend, Becky, and thinking of her a lot. Everywhere around the world, we are all stuck at home. I mean, I am enjoying the time at home with my family, BUT it is  bit unsettling to know that we can’t travel out of the country at the moment.  It sucks because my mom wanted to actually come visit this summer to Germany, but we have no idea how that would go…….if by that time things would be a bit better and that she can come or not.

Only time will tell. For now, let’s stay healthy and keep that 1.5m distance to people (funny to say this….) Wash your hand, and just try and keep the germs away.  Simple as that. Let’s stay home to save others. 

 I was able to have my online meeting with BBTU (with Tokyo) and also offered my first online English lesson with Zoom. It was a good one here! SENDING VIRTUAL HUGS TO EVERYONE!